It takes a crane to build a crane
It takes two floors to make a story
It takes an egg to make a hen
- Apr 07 Thu 2011 22:19
Life Is Wonderful。Jason Mraz
- Apr 03 Sun 2011 23:24
副食材:韓式白菜泡菜150g、金針菇1把(切蒂頭洗淨瀝乾)、韭菜50g、 蒜頭2顆、雞蛋2顆、白芝麻適量、白飯1大碗
- Apr 03 Sun 2011 22:45
Bella Luna。Jason Mraz
Mystery the moon
A hole in the sky
A supernatural nightlight
- Apr 03 Sun 2011 22:32
Mr. curiosity。Jason Mraz
Hey Mr. Curiosity
Is it true what they've been saying about you
Are you killing me?